I am a Certified Professional Life Coach through the International Coaching Federation. I enjoy journeying alongside people as they discover ways to bring their life into congruence, peace and purpose.

Perhaps one of these statements resonates. Are you:
- Navigating or anticipating a new life season?
- Longing to know you are living intentionally and with purpose?
- Finding old systems, schedules or strategies are no longer serving you?
- Realizing you lost a sense of “self” and meaning somewhere along the way?
- Overall happy with who and where you are, but wanting MORE?
- Desiring healthy habits and practices physically, spiritually and/or relationally?
- Trying to find a sense of balance between all the hats you wear?
- Knowing what to do in an area but for some reason just not doing it?
- Needing new tools for your relationships or time management in this stage of life?
- Feeling stuck, unmotivated or bored in a part of your life?
- Wanting to advance (or step back) in your career to achieve your goals?
- Wanting to know yourself better?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, journeying with a Life Coach may be a great next step for you!
What is Life Coaching?
Life Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought provoking and creative process that inspires them to examine their personal and professional potential. It is a present and preferred future based process.
It is not therapy, counseling or consulting. It is not a treatment plan, deep dive into the past or substitute for appropriate clinical or medical help. It is not giving advice.
Life Coaching can be used in areas of:
- Purpose and spirituality
- Business and finance
- Health and fitness
- Fun, hobbies and recreation
- Relationships and community
- Family and friends
- Spouses and children
- Organization and time management
What is the process like?
There is a free initial 30 minute session where we determine if we are a good coach/client fit by getting to know each other and hearing from each other what we hope this process will look like. If we both believe a partnership would be beneficial, we move into an orientation session that helps you identify areas in which you would appreciate coaching. You complete some paperwork beforehand to guide this time. This helps you and me know more about your life as it stands in the present.
Official coaching sessions then begin. It is a client led conversational process from start to finish. You choose where we start based on what your goals are.
I coach from a Christian worldview, but you do not need to share my faith in order for us to work together.
How many sessions are needed?
This is totally up to you. It will depend on the number of areas in which you are seeking clarity and change as well as your desire and commitment to doing the work needed for your desired outcome. Every session lasts 1 hour and we can start where we left off in the previous session or move to a new area of focus. It is completely up to you. Sessions can be in person or over Facetime, Zoom or WhatsApp.
Can you give me solutions to my problems?
I can ask you clarifying questions and explore alongside you areas you are stuck or desiring shift. I will not provide answers, advice, solutions or blatant suggestions to you. Instead, you will discover and identify your own best practices, bringing lasting change that truly works for you. I do not assign work or resources to you aside from the orientation paperwork; instead I assist you in setting up self directed action steps and takeaways flowing from our sessions. Light bulb moments that flow into practical action plans you develop are life changing!
To start a conversation on our fit as a coach/client and how Life Coaching could serve you, please reach out on my contact form. I would love to talk to you!
Note on the C.L.C. badge and certification:
Earners of this badge are able to skillfully coach with clients one-on-one and confidently demonstrate that they embody the coaching mindset. They both understand and utilize the International Coaching Federation (ICF) Core Competencies to their fullest potential and are ethical practitioners in the coaching sphere. Earners are effective in evoking awareness in their clients and know how to ask powerful questions to facilitate growth. Earners also complete 33 Contact Learning Hours.
The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the leading global organization for coaches and coaching. ICF is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification, and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals.